Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Political labels lost luster and legitimacy.

Labels have lost luster and legitimacy, especially in the political arena. Representative? Patriot? Defender of Freedom? Democrat/Republican? Conservative? Liberal?

I am DONE with political labels as a determinant or identification of and individuals support or defense of the Constitution and this republic upon which it stands.

Maybe it is just social labels or political labels, yet even value labels have been distorted, corrupted and changed to the point that what was bad is now called good, and good called bad. Likely the nature has not changed, just the label or more likely the standard or definition on which the label is based.

It seems to apply to politicians, elected or appointed public office holders, even govt employees - just about everyone -  yes, including me. What one call oneself and what others call one seems not to matter anymore, if "matter" means "is accurate in describing character, values or traits".

Easy test - one is what one does!!! With apologies to Forrest Gump who had it right all along - " 'X' is as 'X' does", or my version " What X does, is!"

Fruit is the deciding factor. Fruit, in the form of action and/or result from one's action is always produced. The question is - what KIND of fruit is produced? Does one produce good fruit or bad? fwiw, talk and promises, grandstanding, signs, speeches and photo ops are NOT fruit, either singular OR plural!!!

Labels do not assign or grant to anyone character, personal traits, capabilities, honor or virtue, good or evil. "A rose by any other name is still a rose."

Actions reveal character. Personal and private actions reveal personal and private character. External facades, labels, and temporary status symbols such as position or office held, houses, cars or clothes, even for an Emperor, do not "make the man" or woman. Not their attainment, but what is done with them is most revealing.

Labels are tied to definition - measurement and comparison or reference to a standard. It is the often the difference in standards that limit the usefulness of labels, especially between those whose beliefs, standards and roots are different.

Here in America, that standard is the Constitution of the United States.

As to anyone elected and/or appointed, or in advisory or other capacity of influence, be it the legislative, executive or judicial branches of federal, state or local government, I do look critically to see if they act by and in defense of our Constitutional Republic or if/when they trample the principles and values upon which it stands and which are embodied in it's standards - it's founding and controlling documents, principally the Constitution.

It is when actions result from adherence or deference to some other standard that labels such as Representative, Politician or Partisan become corrupted and useless.

If one uses some other basis for action especially in opposition or subversion of or treason against those principles, then political labels especially become not only meaningless, but worse - they become deceptively MIS-leading!!  It then becomes the coat worn before the camera to "appear" to be one thing while inwardly being something different, possibly opposite of what one appears.

I am done with political labels!!  Dem, Rep, RINO, Liberal, Conservative, TeaParty, Progressive, etc.  They are all meaningless now ...

I am DONE with political wolves in sheepdog's clothing barking "woof, woof" while they eviscerate and feed on the very sheep they exist to protect!!! Wolves in sheep's clothing are fairly easy to detect. Not so easy when they masquerade as sheepdogs!!! But the true sheepdog KNOWS!!

Let it be the one who walks the walk, not just talks the talk in support of constitutional principles that earns my vote, my support, my appreciation and my hand of friendship. That is the label I understand.

Let all others earn my identification and disclosure of and resistance to their attempts at treason, subversion and corruption of those principles and the foundations of this country and it's culture.

Some labels, mostly personal ones, still work - trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent. Others unfortunately also apply - greed, graft, corruption, dishonesty, pride, lust for power, while unrepentant liars still lie and thieves still steal.

I am not perfect. Never claimed to be and see the need to and do repent daily when I sin or make mistakes. I strive to withhold personal judgment of people using labels good or bad, saved or damned - that's God's job.

I do confess to being occasionally weary at the hypocrisy, deception and treason of the very foundation of this great nation by so many in positions of authority, power and influence, here and abroad.

When collectively 'We, the People" recognize the risks and return to our reason, and support, encourage and elect representatives truly dedicated to those principles, and then hold them accountable to us for their actions and their votes, we can hope that our national life based on them is yet ahead, possibly for us, but mostly for our children and our children's children's children. 

May God bless America, as we return to trust and obedience in honor and of His sovereignty and benevolence as the grantor of our inalienable rights. May we together "'praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation". What a singular blessing to live in this "heav'n rescued land", a "land of the free and home of the brave". May each of us be the" freemen (and women) who stand between our loved home and the war's desolation", and sing with one voice and in our daily walk in life the strong refrain of our national anthem - including the 4th verse!!

Click here to hear Whitney Houston's stirring rendition of the first verse of "The Star Spangled Banner" -

and a former marine sing the fourth verse (although he refers to it as the second).

The other verses remind us of many of those founding principles so clearly and eloquently expressed in the Declaration of Independence and embodied in our form of government outlined in the and the Constitution. Lyrics for all four verses are shown in this clip: