Obama has been an absolute and total FAILURE as president.
The man has no clothes, no shame, and no game..
Very little hat, and NO CATTLE!!!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Czar's HAVE limits AND BOUNDARIES, even if not honored!!!
A Czar cannot within constitutional boundaries claim power and authority unilaterally by regulation, "executive privilege" or by assumption, even in and especially not in "emergencies".
When they act like mini-kings, or monarchs or Marxists or totalitarianists, then they immediately usurp power beyond that which they have been "DELEGATED", and immediately breach the trust of their position which should make inviolate any action taken by them or others under their direction.
Instead, they should immediately be brought up on charges against the Constitution and the Republic and "WE, the PEOPLE" that they SHOULD be SERVING!!!.
AS WELL AS the executive who appointed them - acts of an agent extent to the principle. BOTH ARE GUILTY.
When they act like mini-kings, or monarchs or Marxists or totalitarianists, then they immediately usurp power beyond that which they have been "DELEGATED", and immediately breach the trust of their position which should make inviolate any action taken by them or others under their direction.
Instead, they should immediately be brought up on charges against the Constitution and the Republic and "WE, the PEOPLE" that they SHOULD be SERVING!!!.
AS WELL AS the executive who appointed them - acts of an agent extent to the principle. BOTH ARE GUILTY.
One man's researched version of Obama's history and identity. A MUST READ!!
For those with eyes to see, and ears to hear and minds that can and will understand . . .
for all the rest, let us know how that koolaid works out for you.
Check out post/comment 17 - Interesting history from BIOCHEMKY. Very interesting.
for all the rest, let us know how that koolaid works out for you.
Check out post/comment 17 - Interesting history from BIOCHEMKY. Very interesting.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Harry - FAIL!!!
More ignorance of the part God played and continues to play in the very existence of this nation!!
You are reading from a SCRIPT, Harry!!! Get it right, even in a historical context. Words have meaning.
God will not long suffer such outright rebellion and apostasy from the leaders of this great nation, I hope. I think it incumbent on each and every one of "We the People" to help them see the error of their ways, and their destruction of the fabric and the foundation of the faith and future of this great nation, oir help them see the road out and feel the door hit as they exit.
If there be a choice, and there most assuredly is, then either they change or they go. Simple as that. The loss of our nation and its foundation and it's impact on the rest of the world of that loss of the centerplace of freedom and liberty is not a viable option. Especially when compared with a few hundred despots trying to stay in power.
Just sayin' !!!
You are reading from a SCRIPT, Harry!!! Get it right, even in a historical context. Words have meaning.
God will not long suffer such outright rebellion and apostasy from the leaders of this great nation, I hope. I think it incumbent on each and every one of "We the People" to help them see the error of their ways, and their destruction of the fabric and the foundation of the faith and future of this great nation, oir help them see the road out and feel the door hit as they exit.
If there be a choice, and there most assuredly is, then either they change or they go. Simple as that. The loss of our nation and its foundation and it's impact on the rest of the world of that loss of the centerplace of freedom and liberty is not a viable option. Especially when compared with a few hundred despots trying to stay in power.
Just sayin' !!!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
ENOUGH!!! Alamo line in the sand by Jim Bowie's knife w/ Davey Crockett near - it is HERE!!
Democrats in control of Congress and the White House for two years failed to produce a budget! Then a little push from newly elected members of "other side" and they all "work together" to get something done - they get agreement on a new resolution for a WEEK. THEY push out the problem a week and fail to del with the core issues, again as in the last 40-50 years!!
Posturing. that is ALL this IS!! IT is even less than that!! IT is the appearance of clothes on all involved!! They have no clothes, perspective or courage to face the reality of the situation TODAY and deal with the implications into the future!!
To save $36+ Billion for the remainder of this fiscal year (that is over in only 5 MONTHS!!) on a $14+ TRILLION debt, that goes up DAILY by MORE than your vaunted "savings" is a raindrop in the ocean.
And you are BRAGGING about this?
REALLY???? Seriously?????
And worse, WTP (We, The People) are letting you get away with this and not storming the gates and running ALL of Y'ALL out of DC on RAILS?
Sheep getting sheared and some soon to be slaughtered comes to mind ... as does wolves deciding what's for dinner with the sheep having no vote.
Where are WE the SHEEPDOGS to run these wolves out of the fold, out of their warm, plush complacency, and the sheep out of THEIRS??
The total debt was below a trillion just years ago. I told myself then that if the debt ever started being reported in TRILLIONS, then it was over, and we lost it. And now our great piece of work leadership in the Congress and the Executive branch have created an ANNUAL DEFICIT in trillions?
That is the best y'all can do - oh yeah, with OUR MONEY, NOT YOURS!! Especially those that have been up there MULTIPLE TERMS, many like DECADES!!!
Yes, I am angry at this travesty we call "government" that is nothing short of pillaging the hard work of the middle of America that plays by the rules and continue in the delusion thinking the "leaders" care and do as well.
Sorry for the flames and fire!! The outburst will be held back from my facebook account and in the future be found here on my blog,
until I create a political rant only place to motivate We the SHEEPLE,
Starting with and INCLUDING ME!!
Action, not words will save this country.
I will be calling my elected representatives EARLY, OFTEN and vociferously until they GET it that the old way of bi-partisanship is OVER. That it will need to be about them fighting for me against the status quo and their "esteemed colleagues" (partners in crime!!) and fight for you and me, the electorate.
And We, the People that know what is Constitutional and right have to get the gumption to confront those among us in the electorate that willingly support this travesty of our freedoms, just so they can get theirs without working as hard for it as WE do who produce it!!
Civil wars have been fought over less!!
And if it takes modern day patriots, REAL patriots, to stand up and be counted, to fight for the legacy and freedom and liberty handed down from our Creator through generations of our forefathers, against those in our very midst who would destroy it as we know it, then let the call go forth for Freedom this day, and let me bravely stand with those PATRIOTS!!
Let the Title of Liberty be hoisted, and the great and terrible Stars and Stripes be unfurled for all the world to see!!
We have issued a plea for peace and a return to the rule of law, and honor of our rights granted by our CREATOR!! Yet they will not!
These modern day Kingmen have laid siege just as great as those in former days - who willfully usurp our rights and liberties enjoying the opulence of royalty and privilege while leaving us, our families and our future families destitute and straining under the weight of oppressive debt, unrighteous regulation and dominion and our country in shambles.
I am DONE sitting quietly by "letting" it happen, as I wring hands and bemoan what "they" do to "us". I am DONE with those of my countrymen who do the same.
WE/They do it by MY/OUR inaction, and by MY/OUR FAILURE to stand for "truth, justice and the American way"!! (How many of you have read this far and remember that slogan - Who said it? )
Gandalf in regal majesty withstood the Balrog face to face in sacrificial challenge declaring "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!"
Like the 115 brave and valiant patriots in the Alamo who did the same. Bowie. Crockett. Allen. Cain. Carey. "Wash" Cottle. Cummins. Darst. Dennison. Despallier. Dickinson [one of the Old Eighteen]. Esparza. Goodrich. Grimes. Harrison. Holland. Travis and so many more. (Many who also rode as the "Immortal 32" in Gonzales Mounted Rangers, or were part of the artillery company "The Immortals")
We must have the courage to stand as he did, to plant our staff, HERE, NOW and DECLARE ENOUGH!!
To be worthy of the legacy of the Founding Fathers, WE, I first, and WE COLLECTIVELY must be willing to AND THEN STAND in the breech and declare our part with the Freemen against oppression and corruption in high places.
We must, I MUST, each of YOU MUST as WE band together as they did, those Signers of The Declaration of Independence, and countless many have since declared with a united voice ...
"And for the support of this Declaration (and by extension the Constitution which it preceded), with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor."
To reach the unreachable star, to have given all the effort of which I am capable, this is a fight for our very lives if we see the end that is attached to the actions of today.
May we each wake up! And then warn our neighbor, inviting them to stand with us and join the fray.
First step is repentance and getting ones personal house in order, and getting right with ones Creator. Then join the battle against those that would attempt to deprive you and all of us of that which HE gave us - our rights, our country, our families, wives, husbands, children, our religion, our freedom and our lives.
Posturing. that is ALL this IS!! IT is even less than that!! IT is the appearance of clothes on all involved!! They have no clothes, perspective or courage to face the reality of the situation TODAY and deal with the implications into the future!!
To save $36+ Billion for the remainder of this fiscal year (that is over in only 5 MONTHS!!) on a $14+ TRILLION debt, that goes up DAILY by MORE than your vaunted "savings" is a raindrop in the ocean.
And you are BRAGGING about this?
REALLY???? Seriously?????
And worse, WTP (We, The People) are letting you get away with this and not storming the gates and running ALL of Y'ALL out of DC on RAILS?
Sheep getting sheared and some soon to be slaughtered comes to mind ... as does wolves deciding what's for dinner with the sheep having no vote.
Where are WE the SHEEPDOGS to run these wolves out of the fold, out of their warm, plush complacency, and the sheep out of THEIRS??
The total debt was below a trillion just years ago. I told myself then that if the debt ever started being reported in TRILLIONS, then it was over, and we lost it. And now our great piece of work leadership in the Congress and the Executive branch have created an ANNUAL DEFICIT in trillions?
That is the best y'all can do - oh yeah, with OUR MONEY, NOT YOURS!! Especially those that have been up there MULTIPLE TERMS, many like DECADES!!!
Yes, I am angry at this travesty we call "government" that is nothing short of pillaging the hard work of the middle of America that plays by the rules and continue in the delusion thinking the "leaders" care and do as well.
Sorry for the flames and fire!! The outburst will be held back from my facebook account and in the future be found here on my blog,
until I create a political rant only place to motivate We the SHEEPLE,
Starting with and INCLUDING ME!!
Action, not words will save this country.
I will be calling my elected representatives EARLY, OFTEN and vociferously until they GET it that the old way of bi-partisanship is OVER. That it will need to be about them fighting for me against the status quo and their "esteemed colleagues" (partners in crime!!) and fight for you and me, the electorate.
And We, the People that know what is Constitutional and right have to get the gumption to confront those among us in the electorate that willingly support this travesty of our freedoms, just so they can get theirs without working as hard for it as WE do who produce it!!
Civil wars have been fought over less!!
And if it takes modern day patriots, REAL patriots, to stand up and be counted, to fight for the legacy and freedom and liberty handed down from our Creator through generations of our forefathers, against those in our very midst who would destroy it as we know it, then let the call go forth for Freedom this day, and let me bravely stand with those PATRIOTS!!
Let the Title of Liberty be hoisted, and the great and terrible Stars and Stripes be unfurled for all the world to see!!
We have issued a plea for peace and a return to the rule of law, and honor of our rights granted by our CREATOR!! Yet they will not!
These modern day Kingmen have laid siege just as great as those in former days - who willfully usurp our rights and liberties enjoying the opulence of royalty and privilege while leaving us, our families and our future families destitute and straining under the weight of oppressive debt, unrighteous regulation and dominion and our country in shambles.
I am DONE sitting quietly by "letting" it happen, as I wring hands and bemoan what "they" do to "us". I am DONE with those of my countrymen who do the same.
WE/They do it by MY/OUR inaction, and by MY/OUR FAILURE to stand for "truth, justice and the American way"!! (How many of you have read this far and remember that slogan - Who said it? )
Gandalf in regal majesty withstood the Balrog face to face in sacrificial challenge declaring "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!"
Like the 115 brave and valiant patriots in the Alamo who did the same. Bowie. Crockett. Allen. Cain. Carey. "Wash" Cottle. Cummins. Darst. Dennison. Despallier. Dickinson [one of the Old Eighteen]. Esparza. Goodrich. Grimes. Harrison. Holland. Travis and so many more. (Many who also rode as the "Immortal 32" in Gonzales Mounted Rangers, or were part of the artillery company "The Immortals")
We must have the courage to stand as he did, to plant our staff, HERE, NOW and DECLARE ENOUGH!!
To be worthy of the legacy of the Founding Fathers, WE, I first, and WE COLLECTIVELY must be willing to AND THEN STAND in the breech and declare our part with the Freemen against oppression and corruption in high places.
We must, I MUST, each of YOU MUST as WE band together as they did, those Signers of The Declaration of Independence, and countless many have since declared with a united voice ...
"And for the support of this Declaration (and by extension the Constitution which it preceded), with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor."
To reach the unreachable star, to have given all the effort of which I am capable, this is a fight for our very lives if we see the end that is attached to the actions of today.
May we each wake up! And then warn our neighbor, inviting them to stand with us and join the fray.
First step is repentance and getting ones personal house in order, and getting right with ones Creator. Then join the battle against those that would attempt to deprive you and all of us of that which HE gave us - our rights, our country, our families, wives, husbands, children, our religion, our freedom and our lives.
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