Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Harry - FAIL!!!

More ignorance of the part God played and continues to play in the very existence of this nation!! 

You are reading from a SCRIPT, Harry!!! Get it right, even in a historical context. Words have meaning.

God will not long suffer such outright rebellion and apostasy from the leaders of this great nation, I hope. I think it incumbent on each and every one of "We the People" to help them see the error of their ways, and their destruction of the fabric and the foundation of the faith and future of this great nation, oir help them see the road out and feel the door hit as they exit. 

If there be a choice, and there most assuredly is, then either they change or they go. Simple as that. The loss of our nation and its foundation and it's impact on the rest of the world of that loss of the centerplace of freedom and liberty is not a viable option. Especially when compared with a few hundred despots trying to stay in power. 

Just sayin' !!! 

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